Saturday, September 14, 2013

Magic Bleeds - Ilona Andrews (Book 4)

Magic Bleeds, book four of the Kate Daniels urban fantasy series, takes Kate one step closer to her final confrontation with Roland. At this point in the story there is no way she can return to her regular life as a merc. I cannot say much more, because it would be a spoiler. Let’s just say the stakes continue to rise.

A lot of Magic Bleeds is about Kate and Curran, and is less G-rated. The authors do a decent job of keeping this fresh and interesting, though the situation between them has been a long time coming. I wished there had been more of Derek, Julie, and Andrea and their stories. I have grown attached to them from previous books. Andrea has more show time than Derek and Julie.

The authors have built an interesting setting where technology and magic blend, with emphasis on the magic. The characters are fun. The dialogue is great, especially Kate's internal dialogue. There are a lot of slightly contrived fight scenes that are drawn out more than is generally my taste, but all in all, I recommend this book for fans of urban fantasy. The reader of the audio book has the characters voices exactly as I would imagine them.

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